

Monday, February 27, 2012

Expensive price war Android and iPhone Applications

A study comparing the price of the most popular paid applications in Android Market and Apple's App Store. Who has the higher price?

The result, prices in the Android Market applications are rated higher than the price of an existing application made in the Apple App Store.

Global research conducted by Canalys which calculates the cumulative cost for the 100 most popular paid applications in Android Market and Apple's App Stroe.

Top one hundred applications in the Android Market reached a total of about 374.37 U.S. dollars. So that on average about 3.74 U.S. dollars per application.

While in the Apple App Store a total of only around 147 dollars, or about 1.47 U.S. dollars per application.

"The price of the Android applications on average about 2.5 times larger than the apps in the App Store," said Senior Canalys analyst Tim Shepherd.

What is this? One of them, according to Shepherd, because the competition is keener paid applications on the App Store.

For example, Electronic Arts (EA) often offer discounts on the App Store. This is done so that their products remain on the list of most popular applications.

As a result, applications that are sold sehaga EA 0.99 U.S. dollars at the App Store, Android Market, the price was 4.99 U.S. dollars.

Of course this comparison can not be swallowed whole. Ecosystems in the Apple and Android applications are different.

One of them, Shepherd said, the purchase in the app (in app purchase) is more crowded in the App Store than the Android.

In addition, a list of 100 most popular paid applications in Android is not the same as the 100 most popular paid application in the App Store.

Research was conducted in the United States, but Canalyst find the same data in Germany, India, Singapore and the UK.